My clients were a couple moving from california for a job here in pittsburgh. They just had a baby 3 months ago and were living in hotels and then temperary housing while we looked for a house and waited for it to close. So they day after they got in from town we looked at houses for a week every day. Until they decided on this one. Then we had to push for an early closing because they only had 3 weeks until there temparary housing was up. So we did a very fast closing and closed on the 31st of october! There where a couple of bumps along the way but over all it went very smoothly! I was so excited when it closed. I get my check next week =)
I was really blessed to get a house closing that quickly but it is very helpful because it will cover the fees that go along with being a realestate agent. So I am working on a couple of other leads to see what I can get going next. I am really excited I think I am really going to enjoy being a realestate agent.
Congrats Rach! Tim and I are so proud of you!
We love you and we are glad that everything is going well with your new career :o)
Love you!
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