Sunday, September 09, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Kidz Kaboom is our summer camp and vbs for the kidz. We had a lot of fun this year. We had around 350 kidz there. We did basketball, cheerleading, dance, art and cooking for our camps. And then we had the large group time. As you will see in the pictures we had a penny weigh. This was between the boys and the girls. And which every side lost they go a pie in there face. And the girls lost for the 7th year in a row. This was only my (rachael's) first year in the spot to get the pie and dont worry girls we will get them next year.
Here are some pictures from out trip to see Joe's Family in Florida. We had a great time visiting all of you. Come up and see us soon.
Well the summer when by so quickly. I can't believe it is already fall. Summer was a lot of fun and very busy. We were able to go on the two vacations which were very much fun and very needed. It was great to visit all of the family.
Well I am offically a Realtor now. I am working with Prudential. I am really excited I think I will really enjoy being a realtor. And yes I am still at bravo part time and I am still selling custom drapes. I like to keep busy. Joe is doing well at church. We are about to have our big kick off this coming week. So we are excited about that. Simba is doing well. He likes chasing ground hogs.

Well I am offically a Realtor now. I am working with Prudential. I am really excited I think I will really enjoy being a realtor. And yes I am still at bravo part time and I am still selling custom drapes. I like to keep busy. Joe is doing well at church. We are about to have our big kick off this coming week. So we are excited about that. Simba is doing well. He likes chasing ground hogs.