Monday, July 09, 2007
Well I know it has been a long time since I have updated our blog. Seeing as our last post says happy new year and it is now July. Well I will try to update you on what has been going on in our lives since the new year. Well in January I changed my sewing business up a little by starting to work with someone who has a franchise for selling custom window treatments. So I am now a commissioned sales person. I am enjoying it and have just completed the training period and have closed on my first sale and have 3 in the works. Here is a picture of one of the first blinds I sold.
Well that is enough about work. Hmm? let see well Joe and I both turned 26 this year. And right around Joe's birthday in February we decide to get a puppy. We looked around in all the shelters for a while and couldn't find a puppy but we finally found one who was rescued out of a
bad home in west Virgina. And we fell in love with him right away. He is a cuddler but is also very active. We let the kids at church help us decide on a name the options we had were nemo (Joe's suggestion) Rasha ( my suggestion) And Simba ( which we both liked) And the kidz and us agreed that Simba was the best name for him.
We have been working on our house a lot this summer especially the outside since it has been nice out. We cut down a lot of trees and ground out the stumps.

Also Julie and I were Just in Veronica's Wedding.We had lots of fun! It was a great time. And now veronica weidhaas is veronica silliman! Yeah!